Your 1999 Information and Directory of Officers and Associate Members is enclosed with this month's TLT. Thanks to Bill Lee, Malcolm Swanson, and Kinugawa Takao for overseeing this project.
In our first feature article in this issue, David Carlson shows how teachers can maximize vocabulary development through the use of word frequency lists. Stephen Templin, Masako Shiroku, and Kanako Taira report on a pilot study of a self-efficacy syllabus which they implemented to enhance EFL learners' ability by raising their self-efficacy in English.
Next, Steven Sigler and Gary Ockey propose the use of longterm role-play to allow students to select materials and communicative tasks that fit their individual interests, and give teachers the opportunity to monitor student progress and give feedback. Our final English language feature article, by Wayne Johnson, examines the return culture shock that one encounters during repatriation to their home country.
In this month's Japanese language feature, Kiryu, Naoyuki, Shibata Takeshi, Tagaya Hiroko, and Wada Tomoko present their analysis of Monbusho-approved textbooks for English I, in which they found that topics involving the United States and Japan dominated over those of other countries where English is used.
A number of TLT staff changes have recently occurred. Former abstract translator, Hagino Toshiko takes over as JALT News co-editor. We welcome Abe Emika to take her place. Saito Makiko will be our new Bulletin Board column co-editor. Tsukahara Maki and Brian Cullen will join the proofreading team, taking the places of Tashiro Hitomi and Michael Cholewinski, whose work has been appreciated.
Next month, TLT is pround to present a special issue on Active Learning, guest edited by Katharine Isbell, Julie Sagliano, Michael Sagliano, and Timothy Stewart.