Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
Special Issue: International My Share
- Introduction by Elizabeth King and Sonia Yoshitake
- Stepping Softly: What Constitutes “Teaching” in Communicative Classrooms? (North America) by Mark A. Clarke
- Using Sentence-Combining Skills to Bridge the Gap, Japan by Sonia Yoshitake
- Prison or Parole? (Thailand) by Kanittha Vanikieti and Robert Burgess
- Talking to Oneself (China) by An Chunren
- Vocabulary Self-Collection (China) by Xie Fuzhi
- The Race: A Communicative Activity for Beginners (Mexico) by JoAnn Miller
- Imagine (Puerto Rico) by lose’ Santos
- Vacation Tips (Puerto Rico) by Carolina Bondy
- The Farm: Pre-school Activities (Bulgaria) by Todor Shopov
- Creative Dialogues (Croatia) by Jasna Jemersic’
- A Touch of Technology (Slovenia) by Karen Polimac-Dobovisek)
- Self-Access Listening (Slovakia) by Eva Ruzick)ova’
- Diary: The First Day of Class (Palestine) by Sameer Makmoud
- Describing People (Turkey) by Jale Colakoglu
- From Finish to Start: A Backwards Look at Lesson Planning (Japan) by Don Maybin and Elizabeth King
- “Sharing Our Stories” at TESOL ’94 by Kelly Ann Rambis
- The Twenty-Eighth Annual TESOL Convention (March 8-12, 1994) by S. Kathleen Kitao and Kenji Kitao
- Promoting Interlanguage Talk by Sumako Haynshi
- A Reply to Christopher Bauer: “Does the Monbusho Listen?” by Wendy F. Scholefield
- Short Stories for Creative Language Classrooms
- The Chocolate Cake
- Laugh Your Way to Better Spoken English
- Half Hour Helper
- Recently Received