Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
Special Issue: Conference Reports
- Introduction
- Impressions of JALT ‘93
- Colloquium: Team Teaching
- World Citizen Quiz: An Intercultural Training Activity
- Using Task-Based Instruction in the EFL classroom
- Developing Discourse Strategies in L2 Learners
- Heterogeneity Amid Homogeneity; Returnees in Japan
- Dealing with Lack of Response: Lessons from JTEs
- Humor as a Cultural Puzzle
- The Double-Entry Journal Technique Extended to Speaking
- Bridging the Gap: Teaching Japanese Students
- Student Produced Videos: Pros and Cons
- Japanese College Student Behavior in EFL Classes
- Student-Produced Poster Sessions
- Speaking Tests: Why, How and Other Assumptions
- Teaching Listening Strategies
- Using Native Culture to Teach the Target Language
- Guided Reading Procedure
- Situation Comedy Video: Communication and Culture Development
- Plenary: Can Discourse Analysis Help the Language Teacher?
- Colloquium: Curriculum Renewal & Professional Development
- Where Communication Takes Place
- A Pragmatic Approach to Cross-Cultural Communication: The MAT Method Workshop
- 1990 Monbusho Course of Study: Senior High Schools
- Factors Affecting Composition Evaluation: Discourse Features and Readers’ Background
- How Global Education Affects SLA
- Organizing a Programme of Extensive Reading
- Textbook and Authentic Dialogues: Any Difference?
- Design of a TOEFL Prep Class and Research Findings
- Plenary: I’ll See It When I Believe It
- Colloquium: Bilingualism
- Model United Nations Workshop
- Teaching Culture: Knowledge? Skill? Attitude? Awareness?
- Japanese: Learner to Learner
- American Sincerity v. Japanese Politeness
- Cultural Consciousness Raising
- Japanese Acculturation and Return Home
- A KEG For Composition by Brad Grindstaff
- Stretching Scrabble by Saya Woods and Doug Hosier