Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

●    Introduction
●    What’s in a Task? by Stewart Hartley
●    First Day Activities: Problems and Alternatives by Brian D. Bresnihun
●    The Learner-Made Video for Self-Instruction: Observing Learning Styles and Stages of Learning by Mari Nishitani
●    Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Blind Children: A Progress Report by Yu-hsi Wu
●    Creating Student Evaluation of Instruction Forms by Suzanne Yonesaka
●    The Country Club Composition Class: by Gabriel A. J. Yardly
●    The Foreign Language Teacher: The 21st Century’s Blacksmith? by Paul Stapleton
●    Abstracts: Hartley, Bresnihan, Nishitani, Wu, Yonesaka, Yardley, Stapleton
●    JALT 93 Annual Conference
●    Let Your Fingers Do the Talking by Barry Matter