Deadline: Feb 15, 2011 (for May 21-22, 2011) The organizing committee of the JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2011 invites interested teacher researchers to submit presentation proposals for the 10th Annual Pan-SIG Conference, which will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 21st and 22nd, 2011 at Shinshu University, Faculty of Arts, Matsumoto, Nagano.

Preference will be given to those submissions that fit the theme of the conference "Discovering paths to fluency" and/or the general interests of the SIG to which the submission is being made. In particular, this year we are especially interested in topics that appeal to teaching young learners, especially at the Elementary school level. Presenters giving presentations in the Japanese language are highly encouraged to submit! 

This conference is co-sponsored by the Business English (BE), Bilingualism (BL), Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Critical Thinking (CT), College and University Educators (CUE), Extensive Reading (ER), Framework and Language Portfolio (FLP), Global Issues in Language Education (GILE), Japanese as a Second Language (JSL), Junior and Senior High School (JSH), Learner Development (LD), Life Long Learning (LLL), Material Writers (MW), Other Language Educators (OLE), Professionalism, Administration and Leadership in Education (PALE), Pragmatics (PRAG), Study Abroad (SA), Task Based Learning (TBL), Teaching Children (TC), Teacher Education (TED), Testing and Evaluation (TEVAL) and Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) special interest groups (SIGs), together with the Shinshu Chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers. -

発表応募: 第10回全国語学教育学会


締切:2011年2月15日 (学会は5月21日・22日)






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