
Our group has two broad aims: to support families who regularly communicate in more than one language and to further research on bilingualism in Japanese contexts. See our website <> for more information.




The annual JALTCALL conference will be held 3-5 June 2011 at Kurume University (Mii Campus) in Kurume City, Fukuoka-ken. The conference theme is Building Learning Environments. The Keynote Speaker will be Carla Meskill of the State University of New York. Please visit <> for more information.


College and University Educators

The CUE 2011 Conference on Foreign Language Motivation in Japanwill be held2-3 July 2011 at Toyo Gakuen University, Hongo Campus, Tokyo. Plenary speakers will be Ema Ushioda and Kimberly Noels. Registration 1 April-1 June 2011. Visit <> or <> for more information.


Critical Thinking

The Critical Thinking SIG is looking for submissions for JALT’s newest newsletter, CT Scan. Those interested in writing about critical thinking in language education should email <> or visit <> for more information. We hope you’ll join us build our newsletter and this new, growing SIG!


Extensive Reading

The ER SIG exists to help teachers in Japan start and improve Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening programmes. Our newsletter, Extensive Reading in Japan (ERJ), is full of ideas for those new to ER and experienced ER practitioners. It keeps our members up-to-date on ER research and new graded reader releases. Check out our website at <>.


Framework & Language Portfolio (Forming)

This SIG wants to discuss the CEFR and ELP, and other similar frameworks and their relevance for Japan. There is an emphasis on developing materials to support educators who would like to use these pedagogic tools; the bilingual Language Portfolio for Japanese University is now available online. The SIG holds periodical seminars focusing on classroom use and is present at many conferences. Please refer to <> and <> for more information.


Gender Awareness in Language Education

Gender Awareness in Language Education Conference 2011: Exploring Gender and Its Implicationsto be held 28 May 2011 at Kyoto University, Kyoto. Closing date for submissions is 31 March 2011. For more information, email <> or visit <>.


Global Issues in Language Education

Are you interested in promoting global awareness and international understanding through your teaching? Then join the Global Issues in Language Education SIG.Weproduce an exciting quarterly newsletter packed with news, articles, and book reviews; organize presentations for local, national, and international conferences; and network with groups such as UNESCO, Amnesty International, and Educators for Social Responsibility. Join us in teaching for a better world! Our website is <>. For further information, contact Kip Cates<>.


Japanese as a Second Language


Call for Papers: JALT Journal of Japanese Language Education.

Japanese as a second language researchers, teachers, and learners are invited to contribute articles, research reports, essays, and reviews. Please visit our website: <>.


Junior and Senior High School

The JSH SIG is operating at a time of considerable change in secondary EFL education. Therefore, we are concerned with language learning theory, teaching materials, and methods. We are also intensely interested in curriculum innovation. The large-scale employment of native speaker instructors is a recent innovation yet to be thoroughly studied or evaluated. JALT members involved with junior or senior high school EFL are cordially invited to join us for dialogue and professional development opportunities.


Learner Development

Join our one-day conference at Nanzan University, Nagoya, on Saturday 29 October with Richard Pemberton and Tim Murphey as plenary speakers to celebrate the publication of Realizing Autonomy: Practice and Reflection in Language Education Contexts. The authors will be showcasing their chapters on autonomy-fostering classroom practices. The call for presentation proposals on autonomy practices in their own contexts is also open to non-members (by 17 July). For details, visit <>.


Lifelong Language Learning

As an aging society, Japan has a large population of older adults, many of whom are active lifelong learners. The LLL SIG provides information and sponsors events for those who teach English or other languages to adult learners of all ages. We have a website and online newsletter <> and are now on Facebook at <>. Upcoming events include the Pan SIG conference to be held 21-22 May at Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Nagano and a mini-conference at Tokyo Keizai University in late September. For more information or to join the LLL SIG please contact Yoko Wakui <> or Julia K. Harper at <>.


高齢化社会の日本には、元気に生涯学習に励む高齢者がたくさんいます。生涯語学学習研究部会は、成人に英語や他の言語を教えている方々のために、情報を提供し、イベントなどを後援します。インターネット上で、ニュースレターを配信しているホームページ<>やFacebook<>もあります。これから行われるイベントは、5月21日と22日に長野県松本市の信州大学で開催される全分野別研究部会の大会と9月末に東京経済大学で開催される小規模の生涯語学学習研究部会の例会があります。ご入会とお問い合わせは、涌井陽子<> またはJulia K. Harper



Materials Writers

The MW SIG shares information on ways to create better language learning materials, covering a wide range of issues from practical advice on style to copyright law and publishing practices, including self-publication. On certain conditions we also provide free ISBNs. Our newsletter Between the Keys is published three to four times a year and we have a discussion forum and mailing list <>. Our website is <>. To contact us, email <>.



PanSIG 2011 conference will be held 21-22 May 2011 at Shinshu University, Matsumoto, in Nagano Prefecture. For more information, please contact Mark Brierley <>.



Pragmatics is the study of how people use language. As teachers we help students learn to communicate appropriately, and as researchers we study language in use. This is clearly an area of study to which many JALT members can contribute. The Pragmatics SIG offers practical exchange among teachers and welcomes articles for its newsletter, Pragmatic Matters. Find out more about the SIG at <> or contact Donna Fujimoto <>. For newsletter submissions, contact Anne Howard <>.


Professionalism, Administration, and Leadership in Education

The PALE SIG welcomes new members, officers, volunteers, and submissions of articles for our journal or newsletter. To read current and past issues of our journal, visit <>. Also, anyone may join our listserv <>. For information on events, visit <>.


Study Abroad (Forming)

The Study Abroad SIG is a new and upcoming group interested in all that is Study Abroad. We aim to provide a supportive place for discussion of areas of interest, and we hope that our members will collaborate to improve the somewhat sparse research into Study Abroad. We welcome submissions for our newsletter, Ryugaku, and we are still in need of officers. Contact Andrew Atkins or Todd Thorpe <> for further information.


Teacher Education

The Teacher Education SIG is a network of foreign language instructors dedicated to becoming better teachers and helping others teach more effectively. Our members teach at universities, schools, and language centres, both in Japan and other countries. We share a wide variety of research interests, and support and organize a number of events throughout Japan every year. Contact <> or visit our website <>.


Teaching Children

The Teaching Children SIG is for all teachers of children. We publish a bilingual newsletter four times a year, with columns by leading teachers in our field. There is a mailing list for teachers of children who want to share teaching ideas or questions <>. We are always looking for new people to keep the SIG dynamic. With our bilingual newsletter, we particularly hope to appeal to Japanese teachers. We hope you can join us for one of our upcoming events. For more information, visit <>.

児童語学教育研究部会 は、子どもに英語(外国語)を教える先生方を対象にした部会です。当部会は、年4回会報を発行しています。会報は英語と日本語で提供しており、この分野で活躍している教師が担当するコラムもあります。また、指導上のアイデアや質問を交換する場として、メーリングリスト<>を運営しています。活発な部会を維持していくために常に新会員を募集しています。特に日本人の先生方の参加を歓迎します。部会で開催するイベントに是非ご参加ください。詳細については<>をご覧下さい。


Testing & Evaluation

The TEVAL SIG is concerned with language testing and assessment, and welcomes both experienced teachers and those who are new to this area and wish to learn more about it. Our newsletter, published three times a year, contains a variety of testing-related articles, including discussions of the ethical implications of testing, interviews with prominent authors and researchers, book reviews, and reader-friendly explanations of some of the statistical techniques used in test analysis. Visit <>.