Daniel Droukis, Kyushu Kyoritsu University


Quick guide

  • Key words:Adjectives, self-introduction
  • Learner English level:Intermediate
  • Learner maturity level:High school to adult
  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Activity time:30 minutes
  • Materials:Paper and writing materials


Almost every first lesson will contain something on self introductions. This activity gets your students to vary their self introductions by using the letters in their names.


Step 1: Have the students write out their names vertically on a piece of paper. For example:

Keiko Sato

  • K:
  • E:
  • I:
  • K:
  • O:
  • S:
  • A:
  • T:
  • O:

Step 2:Tell them to write a positive adjective that begins with each letter in their name. They can pass on any repeating letters.

  • K: Kind 
  • E: Energetic
  • I: Interesting
  • K: (pass)
  • O: Optimistic
  • S: Shy
  • A: Active
  • T: Talented
  • O: (pass)

Step 3: Students should then write sentences that explain why each of the adjectives accurately describes positive aspects of their personality. These sentences will form the basis of their self-introductions.

  • K: Kind I am always kind to people. I will give a seat to an elderly person in the train.
  • E: Energetic I am energetic. I play sports and have a part time job which keeps me busy.
  • I: Interesting People say I am interesting. I like to talk about many things.
  • K: (pass)
  • O: OptimisticWhen I have a test I always believe that I will do well if I have studied.
  • S: ShyWhen I meet people for the first time it is difficult for me to talk to them.
  • A: Active I am active. I played on the volleyball team in high school.
  • T: Talented My mother says I am talented because I can play the piano.
  • O: (pass)

Step 4: If necessary, demonstrate the process on the board with your name.


Have the students work with in pairs and write about their partners.