David Kluge


The third My Share Live! at JALT96 in Hiroshima was a success thanks to the organizing skills of Jim Swan and the help of the Material Writers N-SIG. My role was mainly as a representative of the My Share column and all the work was done by the N-SIG.

There were nineteen lesson plans that were shared, with topics ranging from environmental problems to Dylan songs and fashion. The lessons helped students with all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and with additional skills like vocabulary, dictionary use, and question formation. The lesson plans were for beginning level to advanced level, for children, junior high school, high school, and university students. The favorite activities took anywhere from 10 minutes to a whole semester to complete. In short, there was almost something for everybody.

The quality of the lesson plans was so excellent that the Materials Writers N-SIG plans to send the surplus copies of the favorite lesson plans to language organizations in Asia. Previous My Share and My Share Live! ideas were collected by the N-SIG into a volume called Our Share, edited by Ian Gleadall and Judith Johnson. (If you are interested in purchasing a copy, contact Jim Swan at the address listed in the Of National SIGnificance column in this issue.)

My only regret was that more people could not participate and benefit from the excellent ideas that were shared. If you have a good idea that works in your class, please share it with us, either in this column, or at My Share Live! at JALT97 in Hamamatsu.