Douglas Meyer, Conference Job Information Center Coordinator


Greetings to all job seekers!  My name is Douglas Meyer, and I am the Job Information Center Coordinator for the Nagoya conference. With so many professionals together in one place, all focused on improving language teaching and learning in Japan, the conference is sure to be a hit. From a career standpoint, with close to 2,000 language professionals convening, the JALT conference is unquestionably the number one networking and recruiting opportunity in Asia.

For schools, the JIC provides facilities to post job openings, review candidate résumés, and hold interviewsat the conference.Occasionally, schools ask their full-time foreign staff to help them headhunt. Headhunting is recruiting, and if you’ve been asked by your school to help out, the task of “recruiter” has just been added to your job profile. Just email your job submissions to The Language Teacher Job Information Center using the submissions form found at this link: <http://jalt-publications.org/tlt/jobs/form.html>.

This year, the JIC will post international job positions as well as national ones. The EFL job market is global, and therefore posts will be offered for positions in Asia and the Middle East. The JIC job wall will be organized by region, allowing you to quickly find positions in a location where you want to work.

A note to jobseekers: Be sure to bring copies of your CV/résumé. Ideally you would want to customize your résumé and cover letterfor each job, but unfortunately at the conference there’s not enough time. Instead, you’ll get a face-to-face opportunity thatcan’t be beat. Even if you don’t get the job, the contact and experience of talking with recruiters, formally and informally, are well worth it.

Also, the national EFL teacher job survey is still gathering info on who we are as teachers, our opinions about language education, and our working conditions. If you are interested in the results, please take the five-minute online survey yourself and share it with friends. Check it out on Facebook by searching for the National EFL Teacher Job Survey or send me a quick email at <efljobsurvey@hotmail.com>. I’ll send you the links and many thanks.

I look forward to seeing you at theJob Information Center room at the upcoming JALT conference.

Douglas Meyer,

Conference JIC Coordinator