TLT Associate Editor
Application deadline: Ongoing until filled.
The Language Teacher. . . is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Associate Editor, with future advancement to the position of Coeditor. Applicants must be JALT members and must have the knowledge, skills, and leadership qualities to oversee the production of a regularly published academic publication. Previous experience in publications, especially at an editorial level, is an asset. Knowledge of JALT publications is desirable. Applicants must also have regular access to a computer with email and word processing capabilities.
This post requires several hours of concentrated work every week editing articles, scheduling and overseeing production, and liaising with the Publications Board. Applicants should be prepared to make a minimum three-year commitment with an extension possible. The assumption of duties is tentatively scheduled for early 2011. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae (including details of publication background and published works), a cover letter, and a statement of purpose indicating why they would like to become Associate Editor (and later advance to Coeditor) of The Language Teacher to: Ted O’Neill, JALT Publications Board Chair, at This position will remain open until filled.

The Language Teacher looking for people to fill the positions of English language proofreaders and Japanese language proofreaders. Job descriptions and details on applying for these positions are posted on our website .