As the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, I am pleased to announce the new slate of National Officers for the 2010-12 term of office.

  • President: Kevin Cleary
  • Vice-president: Nathan Furuya
  • Director of Membership: Judith “Buzz” Green
  • Director of Program: Steve Cornwell
  • Director of Public Relations: Michael Stout
  • Director of Records: Aleda Krause
  • Director of Treasury: Oana Cusen
  • Auditor: Caroline Lloyd

A total of 126 valid ballots were received by the official postmarked deadline of 15 October 2010.
On behalf of JALT I would like to thank the candidates for accepting their nominations and contributing to the dynamism of JALT into the next decade. I would also like to thank all the active members who took the time to show their support for the candidates and the organization by mailing in their ballots. A special round of applause goes to Malcolm Swanson for his help with the ballots, to Marcos Benevides for getting the announcements out on time in TLT, and to June Shirakawa and Chie Kobayashi at JCO for their help with the election and voting details.
Ann Mayeda, JALT NEC Chair 2010