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阿川敏恵, 阿部恵美佳, 石塚美佳, 植田麻実, 奥田祥子, カレイラ順子, 佐野富士子, 清水順

Abstract This research focused on EFL learners’ demotivation and investigated what affective factors were related to Japanese EFL learners’ demotivation and whether or not English learners’ demotivated attitudes were unique to English study. 122 university students completed two self-evaluation questionnaires using Likert scales. Factor analyses were run on the responses, and correlations between factors were examined. One of the resulting factors was amotivation, which positively correlated with an aversion to making an effort, resistance to grammar and vocabulary learning, and anxiety about using English. The results indicated that demotivated English learners tend to make less effort. This likely lowers their competence, which in turn may raise their anxiety of using English. Furthermore, examination of aversions to making an effort implies that demotivated English learners tend to have an insular mentality, and show difficulty in making an effort which was not exclusive to English. 本論では、EFL学習者の「動機減退 (demotivation)」 に注目し、どのような要因が英語学習におけるdemotivationと結びついているのか、またdemotivationは英語学習に限ったことなのかを調査した。122名の大学生による2つのアンケート調査の回答を因子分析し、下位尺度間相関を調べた。その結果、特に、「無動機 (amotivation)」要因は「文法・語彙学習への抵抗感」、「努力嫌い」、「英語使用への不安」との間に正の相関が見られた。動機づけの低い学習者は、あまり努力をせず英語の習熟度も低くなりがちで、英語使用への不安や、英語に限らず努力することが苦手だという傾向がみられた。