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Rintaro Sato, Nara University of Education

In senior high school, teachers are now officially supposed to conduct their English lessons mainly in English to develop students’ communication abilities (MEXT, 2011). However, some researchers in English education have raised the case against this “English lessons in English” principle, asserting that conducting English lessons in the target language of English is not only ineffective, but harmful. This paper aims to refute critics of MEXT’s guideline for conducting classes primarily in English by considering studies in second language acquisition (SLA), theories for English learners’ motivation in the Japanese context, and offering an alternative for judicious use of the L1, Japanese.

現在、高校での英語の授業は主に英語で行うことになっている。しかしながらこの「英語での授業」には一部の英語教育研究者から, 効果が無いばかりか害があるとの強烈な反対意見もある。本稿では、この「英語での授業への反対意見」を第2言語習得理論や日本人学習者の英語を話そうとする意欲、有効な日本語の活用などの観点から反論する。