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Keith S. Folse, University of Central Florida



You are a teacher today.  Certainly you have contemplated why you became a teacher, but have you ever thought about why you became the kind of teacher you are?  Perhaps you tell jokes in class.  Perhaps you give frequent tests.  Perhaps you emphasize grammar, but why do you do these things?  Did you learn to do them?  Or do you just naturally do these things? We develop our teacher identify over time. For most of us, the greatest influence has come from our own teachers.  We are an accumulation of influences of all the teachers who have taught us.  Some teacher behaviors we emulate; others we reject.  In this talk, I will share my reflections from a lifelong voyage as language learner and teacher, both in ESL and EFL settings, and hope to nudge you into reflecting on the people who have shaped your current teacher identity.
