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Lesley Ito, BIG BOW English Lab, Nagoya

Greetings! From this issue and beyond, we will have the pleasure of serving as the column editors for TLT Interviews. As you may already know, this is a brand new column for 2017 that will bring you insightful dialogues with some of the top experts in the field of language learning, teaching, and education. This issue’s featured interview is with Annamaria Pinter from the University of Warwick, a specialist in English education for young learners and one of the distinguished plenary speakers at the JALT2016 conference. She was interviewed by Lesley Ito, a teacher, teacher trainer, school owner, and award-winning materials writer based in Nagoya. Lesley’s 20-year experience teaching young learners made her the ideal person to interview Annamaria Pinter. Her school for young learners, BIG BOW English Lab, has a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) curriculum with a strong focus on literacy. Her ELT writing credits include interactive graded readers, online support materials for interactive graded readers, teacher’s guides, workbooks, and an e-book on tips for teaching young learners. So without further ado, to the interview!

An Interview with Annamaria Pinter

I had the privilege to interview JALT2016 plenary speaker Annamaria Pinter, a leader in the field of teaching English to young learners, child second language learning, and teacher development. An associate professor at the Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, she has published widely in the area of teaching English to young learners and is the author of Teaching Young Language Learners (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers) (2017) and Children Learning Second Languages (2011). She is also an editor of an e-book series titled, Teaching English to Young Learners.