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Hungche Chen, Kanazawa Institute of Technology; Chunfeng Lin, Tamkang University; Meiju Lai, Taipei Municipal Taoyuan Elementary School

This study examined student academic performance and perceptions of homework in relation to the use of smartphone technology among Japanese EFL students. 41 students in 2 classes of an English seminar participated in the study. The study employed a pretest–posttest control group design to discover if the use of Band, a smartphone community forum service, for homework has an effect on students’ performance and perceptions. One class of 27 participants used the service, and the other section of 14 participants did not use it over a semester. Data were collected by using reading tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The findings showed that although the Band group did not have a better posttest result, it had more positive responses towards and became more willing to complete homework than did the control group.
