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Robert Vaughan, Rikkyo University; Yukie Saito, Rikkyo University; Yukie Saito, Waseda University

Reference Data:

Vaughan, R., Saito, Y., & Saito, Y. (2016). Presentation peer assessment: Friendship matters? In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

Presentations are widely used in EFL classrooms. Peer assessment (PA) of presentations is sometimes employed to promote learner autonomy, listening skills, and metacognitive knowledge. Despite the benefits of presentation activities, some challenges remain. For example, presentations can be stressful, especially for introverted learners, and learners’ success in presentations might be determined by possession of advantageous personality traits. Moreover, PA could be biased due to the degree of friendship perceived to exist between the assessor and the assessed. We investigated 3 issues with 117 university students: the correlation between presentation scores and personality, the reliability of PA compared with teacher assessment (TA), and the influence of students’ friendship on PA. Results showed that students’ personalities did not significantly affect their presentation scores. Moreover, they evaluated peers’ presentations in a generally unbiased manner, which indicated that they understood the constructs, although there was still a discrepancy between PA and TA.
