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Paul Nehls, Yokohama City University

Reference Data:

Nehls, P. (2016). The efficacy of student self-assessments for academic speeches. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

Through primary research this paper provides insight into whether university-level student self-assessments of L2 speech performances can be an effective tool for helping students improve their presentation skills. The research focused on two possible self-assessment skills: student self-directed learning and personal goal setting. Self-assessment papers were collected from randomly selected student participants and the comments and suggestions they made on their assessments were compared to those of a group of independent speech instructors. The data was analyzed in regards to whether students’ assessments agreed with instructor assessments and whether or not students assessed items that were not mentioned by instructor’s assessments. Results of these comparisons are discussed and conclusions are made as to the effectiveness of student self-assessment for academic speeches in an L2 university classroom. 

本論は, 大学生の第二言語によるスピーチの自己評価が、プレゼンテーション能力を上達させるための効果的な手段になるかどうかを考察する。この研究では、学習者の自発的学習と個人的目標の設定という二つの自己評価能力に焦点を当てた。 無作為に抽出された学生の自己評価用紙を用い、自らの批評と今後への示唆を複数のスピーチ担当の教師による評価と比較した。データは学生の自己評価が教師の評価と一致しているか、教師が含めなかった評価項目を学生が自己評価しているかを元に分析し、その結果を議論する。最後に、大学の第二言語教育現場での学習者によるアカデミック・スピーチの自己評価の有効性について結論をまとめる。