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Laura MacGregor, Gakushuin University

Reference Data:

MacGregor, L. (2016). CLIL in Japan: University teachers’ viewpoints. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) originated in Europe during the 1990s and later appeared in Japan. Beginning with an explanation of the fundamental principles behind CLIL methodology, this paper is a report on a study in Japan based on interviews with CLIL university teachers about five questions: their definitions of CLIL, how they taught CLIL classes, how they evaluated students, the materials they used, and their opinions of CLIL’s viability in Japan. Results showed general agreement on a number of characteristics of CLIL (i.e., it is content driven, uses authentic materials, encourages peer cooperation, and uses rubrics for evaluation), and that its success largely depended on student level and choice of materials. However, there was some confusion on how CLIL differed from related methodologies (i.e., CBI, EMI). In order for CLIL to prosper in Japan, there needs to be better understanding through teacher education, institutional support, and more grassroots development through research, writing, and discussion.

CLIL(クリル: Content and language integrated learning)は、1990年代に欧州で始まり近年日本でも急速に広まっている教授法である。筆者は大学でCLILを実践している教員に、(1)各教員のCLILの定義、(2)CLIL授業の指導法、(3)学生の評価法、(4)使用教材、(5)日本におけるCLILの妥当性に関する各々の見解、について質問をした。本論はその研究報告である。研究結果からは、内容重視、生の素材の利用、学習者同士の協力の奨励、評価基準の観点と尺度(ルーブリック)などのCLILの多くの特徴については概ね了解があることが判明したが、関連する方法論(CBI、EMIなど)とCLILの違いについては混乱が認められた。CLILが日本で成功するためには、教授者教育、教育機関の支援、そして、研究・発信・討論を通じたより一層の現場レベルでのCLILの展開が必要である。