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Sanae Oda-Sheehan, Ochanomizu University

Reference Data:

Oda-Sheehan, S. (2016). Making pragmatics and grammar work hand in hand. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the Learner. Tokyo: JALT.

Language learners can make unintentional pragmatic mistakes that may lead to serious problems in communication and result in grave consequences. Unfortunately, pragmatic features are less likely to be addressed in the Japanese EFL classroom. Through the use of questionnaire surveys, this study was aimed at exploring possible ways to raise pragmatic awareness and promote pedagogical effort. The results indicate that pragmatic awareness could be improved by teaching pragmatic features through grammar lessons, and they suggest that pragmatics and grammar could be used in the classroom to bring about the desired learning effect. The implication that pragmatic pedagogy could be successfully combined with grammar pedagogy is encouraging to both learners and teachers, especially Japanese teachers of English who may struggle to balance the need for communicative teaching and grammar instruction in the demanding classroom realities they face.
