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Miyuki Akamatsu, Kasukabe Kyoei Junior and Senior High School; Sachiko Maruoka, Seikei University

Reference Data:

Akamatsu, M., & Maruoka, S. (2016). Study logs for self-regulated vocabulary learning. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

Self-regulated learning (SRL) involves being in control and autonomous in one’s learning (Zimmerman, 1990). Self-regulated learners are able to engage in metalinguistic processes that allow them to complete target tasks and develop their linguistic competence. This action research project focused on 2nd-year junior high school students learning English in Japan. Over a period of 8 months during the school year, they were asked to keep a study log of their learning of English vocabulary words. Findings show that the study log activity decreased students’ anxiety regarding vocabulary learning to some extent. In addition, they were able to enhance their metacognitive skills of self-efficacy, self-management, and self-control, which are key factors in SRL. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that study logs can assist teachers in fostering self-regulated learners at the junior high school level.

自己調整学習(SRL)とは、学習者が自身の学習を管理し、自律的に学習に取り組むことである(Zimmerman, 1990)。言語学習において、自己調整学習が身についている学習者はメタ言語能力を用いて目標課題を完成させ、言語能力を向上させることができる。本実践的研究では、英語を学ぶ日本の中学2年生に焦点を当て、8ヶ月間語彙学習の記録をつけさせた。その結果、学習記録活動は、生徒の語彙学習に対する不安を和らげ、自己効力感、自己管理、自制心〔セルフコントロール)に対するメタ認知的技能を高めた。これにより、学習記録は中学生の自己調整学習を促す手助けになりうると結論づける。