Page No.: 
Yuko Koike, Fukuoka Prefectural University

Reference Data:

Koike, Y. (2016). Survey of English pronunciation teaching: College teachers’ practices and attitudes. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

In the current age of globalization, acquiring intelligible English pronunciation is considered important for achieving successful communication. However, pronunciation does not receive as much attention as other aspects of second language acquisition and has not been integrated into ESL and EFL teaching. Several surveys have been conducted in English-speaking countries to examine ESL and EFL instructors’ teaching practices and attitudes toward teaching pronunciation. These studies showed that many instructors saw teaching pronunciation as important, but that they needed more training opportunities. The present study examines college-level English pronunciation teaching in Japan. College English instructors working in Japan were surveyed to discover their teaching practices and attitudes toward teaching pronunciation. The results indicate that instructors were relatively confident in their knowledge and ability to teach pronunciation. However, it is suggested that more development should be done with pronunciation-related curriculum for English education in Japan.
