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Rie Wakui, Aoyama Gakuin University

Reference Data:

Wakui, R. (2016). Learners’ choice: Exploring pragmatic subjectivity through video. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

There has been an increasing emphasis in L2 pragmatics on the importance of instruction that would allow for learners’ subjectivity (Nguyen, 2010). The aim of this classroom-based qualitative action research project was to look at adult learners who were given an opportunity to develop their pragmatic awareness while being informed of various options and to investigate how they reflected their subjectivity in making pragmatic choices. Shown a video clip, learners were exposed to authentic examples of the language of both native and nonnative English speakers and learned and applied strategies for making clarification requests. Discourse completion tests and discourse analysis demonstrated that the learners expressed their subjectivity in selecting the language that best matched their intentions. Deep involvement arising from the use of authentic materials seemed to help to create an environment for pragmatic use and led to the development of learners’ pragmatic competence.

L2語用論において、学習者の主観性を考慮に入れた指導の重要性が注目されてきている(Nguyen, 2010)。この教室における質的アクションリサーチでは、成人学習者が多様な選択肢に触れることで語用論的意識を養い、語用論的選択を行うにあたりどのように主観性を反映させたかを調査した。学習者はビデオを視聴し、英語母語話者および非母語話者両方を含む実際の使用例に触れ、説明依頼におけるストラテジーを学び応用した。DCT(談話完成タスク)と談話分析により、学習者は主観性に基づき自分の意図に最も即した表現を選んだことがわかった。また、本物で信頼に足る教材を使用した学習への取り組みが語用論的使用の環境を生み、学習者の語用論的能力の向上に寄与したと考えられる。