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Nozomi Takano, Sophia University; Junko Kambara, Meikai University; Eiko Kedoin, Dai 3 Nippori Elementary School; Yoko Suzuki, Showa Women’s University

Reference Data:

Takano, N., Kambara, J., Kedoin, E., & Suzuki, Y. (2016). 小学校英語にCBI/CLILを:メリットとコツ[CBI/CLIL for elementary school English: Benefits and tips]. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.), Focus on the learner. Tokyo: JALT.

内容重視教授法(CBI)、内容言語統合型学習(CLIL)は、第二言語の習得と内容に関する知識の習得を同時に達成できる方法として知られている(e.g., Lyster, 2007; Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010)。本論では、小学校外国語活動にCBI/CLILを取り入れる際の言語的(英語)、認知的、教育的メリットを紹介する。先行研究からの知見に加え、実際にCBI/CLIL授業を行う中で見えてきた利点として、児童の英語、並びに教科科目に対する姿勢が前向きになること、担任教師への尊敬の度合いが上がること、担任教師に自信が生まれることなどを説明する。また、CBI/CLIL授業を行う際のコツ、更に、Hi, Friends!(文部科学省、2012)に沿ってCBI/CLIL指導案を作成する際、どのような題材・語彙・文法を選び、どう授業を進めるのかについても、サンプルと共に紹介する。

A number of researchers (e.g., Lyster, 2007; Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010) have highlighted the benefits of content-based instruction (CBI) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL), such as enabling learners to focus on two goals at the same time: practicing second or foreign language skills and gaining content knowledge. In this study we examined the linguistic and cognitive benefits that Japanese elementary school students gain through learning English by CBI/CLIL. Pedagogical benefits that affect classroom dynamics are also elucidated, based on the authors’ firsthand observations while conducting CBI/CLIL lessons. These benefits include (a) a positive attitudinal change by students towards EFL and content study, (b) increased respect toward their homeroom teacher, (c) increased confidence among homeroom teachers by adopting contents that they are accustomed to teach. CBI/CLIL lesson plans and practical tips using the MEXT (2012) textbook Hi, Friends! are introduced.