Virginia LoCastro, Jane Hoelker, Katie Gray, Scott Petersen, Brian Harrison, Thomas Hardy, Hiroto Nagata, and Thomas F. Barry


This issue features reviews by Virginia LoCastro, Jane Hoelker, Katie
Gray, Scott Petersen, Brian Harrison, Thomas Hardy, Hiroto Nagata, and
Thomas F. Barry, with topics including discourse analysis, translation, ELT
testing, medical English, English for academic purposes, and textbooks.

The Reviews section changes with this issue-the eight reviews make up
the largest number ever published in a single issue oftheJALT Journal. Editor
Roger Davies intends to make the section an information clearinghouse for
JALT members which will give detailed analyses of new and important
publications related to language and language teaching. More space will be
devoted to reviews, and reviews will attempt to supply "in-depth, substantial,
and scholarly" evaluations. WithJALT Journal readers spread throughout the
country, access to information about new writings and trends in research may
be limited. The Reviews section will try to remedy that problem. Contact
Roger Davies for more detailed information at the address listed on page 211.