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Anita J. Sokmen

Word Association Results: A Window to the Lexicons
of ESL Students
Anita J. Sokmen
University o!Washington
The results of word association tests can give useful information about how
words are clustered in the mental lexicon of second language learners. Seeing
patterns in associations can help teachers present new vocabulary and evaluate
student comprehension. This study investigated the results of a 50-item word
association test administered to 198 ESL students at the University of
Washington. Which kinds of responses were common, how ESL responses
compared to native speakers', and how gender, level, native language, and age
affected answers were considered. The results suggest that as students have
more experiences with words, their lexicons reorganize into meaning clusters
which reflect attitudes, emotions, or strong memories. There was also a great
deal of similarity in the responses of native speakers and the second language
learners. Finally, significant differences appcared according to gender, language,
and levels of English and education.