In a recent article entitled "How Large Can a Receptive Vocabulary Be?"
(Goulden, Nation, & Read, 1990), the authors discuss the methods employed
in designing tests for the measurement of English vocabulary of native
speakers in New Zealand. Since the methods differ from the more common
ones, such as multiple choice tests, it may be worthwhile to examine their
procedures of test construction and to consider the possibility of adaptations
for the measurement of the English vocabulary of Japanese speakers of
English. After an explication of their methods of test design, a pilot project
with 21 Japanese adults, with at least a moderately high levels of proficiency
in English, was carried out in order to study the test results and reactions. The
base vocabulary size scores made by the subjects ranged from 4,900 to 12,100
with a group average of7 ,770, while for 20 native speakers in the New Zealand
study "average scores on the five tests ranged from 13,200 to 20,700 with a
group average of 17,200" (Goulden et ai., 1990, p. 358). Lists included in this
article show sample tests which enable readers to replicate the study.
May 1993
Page No.:
Hiroyuki lzawa, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, Kobe