The central thesis of this paper is that testing should be used to
guide the development of a sound language program. The paper
begins by examining the four types of decision making processes
used in any language teaching institution: (a) who should be admitted
into the program; (b) which level is appropriate for each student;
(c) what should be taught so that resources are maximally utilized;
(d) which students should be promoted to the next level? In order to
help staff make these decisions, four categories oftests (one for each
type of decision) are discussed: proficiency, placement, diagnostic,
and achievement. Each is examined in terms of the purpose of the
decision (norm-referenced or criterion-referenced), and the type of
information that it provides. The paper concludes with a discussion
of a hypothetical case study. The main point is that testingis not the
enemy. On the contrary, tests can provide guidance in making
informed and responsible decisions.
May 1990
Page No.:
James Dean Brown, University of Hawaii at Manoa