Page No.: 
Toshiaki Ishiguro

The writer has explored techniques that deal with
meaningful communication practice in an intermediate or
advanced class, and experimented with several methods.
Reflecting on his experience he has found several traps
into which both the teacher and the students tend to fall.
The trap for the teacher is to get irritated with the
students' faltering presentations and begin to "help" them
speak more smoothly, or to "enjoy" correcting their mistakes.
On the other hand, the trap the students are "\;i11ing"
to fall into is sitting back and enjoying the teacher's monologue,
hoping that the teacher will continue speaking until
the end of the class; or getting discouraged at the teacher's
corrections and deciding to keep silent for the rest of the
To avoid the teacher's overcorrect ions or the students'
silence, it seems essential for the teacher to create some
structures that allow the conversation class to be studentcentered
and self-propelled toward clear objects to be communicated.
In this paper the writer will present these techniques
in "Sequential Development Modes" and "Picture Transfer" as
catalysts for developing communicative competence.