This study examines the reliability, validity, and practicality of six measures of
cross-cultural pragmatic competence. The multi-test framework used here was
developed by Hudson, Detmer, and Brown at the University of Hawaii and
consists of six tests which focus on the students' ability to appropriately produce
the speech acts of requests, apologies, and refusals in situations involving varying
degrees of relative power, social distance, and imposition. These measures have
previously been tested on native Japanese learners of English in an ESL context
(Hudson et aI., 1992, 1995) and on learners of Japanese in a JSL context (Yamashita,
1996). The current study administered these tests to native Japanese learners in
an EFL context. Four of the tests proved highly reliable and valid and two of the
tests less so. Furthermore, the tests clearly differentiated those students who had
a substantial amount of overseas experience from those who had not, a distinction
not shown by the students' TOEFL scores.
本論では、6 種類のプラグマティック能力測定テストの妥当性・信頼性・実用性を検討す
る。この6 種類のテストは、外国語学習者が習得している、様々な状況下での適切な依頼・
謝罪・断わり表現の生成能力を測定するため、ハワイ大学のHuds∞, Detmer, and Brown に
よって開発されたものであるが、これまでにも日本人英語学習者(ESL) や日本語学習者を対
本研究では、この6 種類のテストを日本人英語学習者(EFL) を対象に測定をおこなった。
その結果、6 種類のうち4 種類のテストにおいて高い妥当性と信頼性を確証した。さらに、
これらのテストでは、TOEFL では判別できなかった海外滞在経験の有無を明確に判別する
May 1999
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Ken Enochs, International Christian University; Sonia Yoshitake-Strain, Seigakuin University