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前田啓朗, 広島大学

In an English language classroom, learners often write items in a notebook, a textbook, and so on. Note taking is reported as one of the most frequently used language learning strategies. Japanese high school teachers of English often give instruction in this area and sometimes use the products of the strategy use as material for evaluation. However, not much research has been conducted into the use of such strategies by Japanese high school EFL learners. In this study, behavioral activities and related mental states are included in the concept, "Note-Taking Strategy."
   This study is focused on the following three aims:
1) To present a questionnaire to measure learners' Note-Taking Strategy use, in order to encourage teachers of English to apply it in their classrooms
2) To present the survey results, from which general tendencies can be assumed, in order to make it possible to compare the tendencies of strategy use by individual learners or by a certain group of learners with those of general Japanese high school EFL learners
3) To discuss the possibility of instructing learners to use a Note-Taking Strategy, with the focus on facilitating their English language learning
   Firstly, question items used in previous research are revised in light of the tendencies of subjects' responses, face validities, validities of analysis with latent factor structures, and so on. As a result, the questionnaire consists of 30 items: 14 cover behavioral aspects, and 16 cover mental aspects.
   Secondly, a large number (1,895) of Japanese high school EFL learners from 25 schools participated in the survey. As a result, it can be assumed to a certain extent that the results are reliable to describe general tendencies of Japanese high school EFL learners. A table of frequency distribution for all items is shown as the data for further research and to provide the criteria for comparison.
   Finally, latent variables (factors) as well as observed ones (question items) are included in statistically sophisticated analyses: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with the Maximum Likelihood (ML) Method and Oblique Promax Rotation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with ML for estimation of solution and missing values, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), likewise with ML. The EFAs are used to seek the most parsimonious solution such as number of assumed factors (latent variables) to explain observed variables. The CFAs are used for examining the validity of the solution obtained by the EFAs and to investigate correlation among factors. The function of SEM is to explain degrees of causal effect from mental aspects to behavioral ones and from behavioral aspects to learning achievement. The SEM solution shows the following characteristics:
1) Behavioral aspects of Note-Taking Strategy can be divided into two categories. Firstly, there are rehearsal strategies, which help learners to repeat language materials. The second category covers structural strategies, which help learners make connections between learned language materials.
2) Learners tend to be given instruction only about rehearsal strategies. Instructions will be more effective if they include ways to reorganize learned information.
3) Mental aspects are divided into four categories. Two of them, "trying to select information" and "noticing the effects of writing itself and reviewing," can reasonably be said to facilitate learners' use of behavioral Note-Taking Strategies. The others, "strategy preference" and "attention to evaluation," hardly do so. In addition, learners' attention to evaluation has little correlation with any of the other categories.
4) Though learners are sometimes required to submit their notebooks or other evidence of learning, such requirements seem to have little effect on learning English itself. Demonstrating to learners the functions of the strategies, and making them experience these functions, are necessary for further strategy use and achievement.
Finally, some issues for further research into the development of Note-Taking Strategies in Japanese high schools are presented.
