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Yuri Hosoda, Kanagawa University

Various kinds of data and methodologies have been used to investigate nonnative speakers’ (NNSs’) pragmatic competence. In the past decade, attempts have been made to describe NNSs’ pragmatic abilities in naturally occurring interaction using the Conversation Analysis (CA) methodology. To date, there are an increasing number of CA studies that describe NNSs’ pragmatic competence in institutional settings, but only a few in noninstitutional settings. Using the framework of CA, this study examines NNSs’ pragmatic competence displayed in sequences of directives and assessments in casual native speaker (NS)-NNS conversation in Japanese. The analysis reveals that the pragmatic competence of the NNSs and NSs is constructed out of the detail of talk and other conduct in which the participants juxtapose multiple resources such as sequential organization, speech, body, and the surrounding environment to jointly shape the sequences of directives and assessments and establish mutual understanding in ongoing interaction.
