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Keiko Hirose and Miyuki Sasaki, Aichi Prefectural University and Nagoya Gakuin University

Our previous research has identified five variables which influence L2 writing
ability (Sasaki & Hirose, 1996) in Japanese university English students. This
study investigates the teach ability of two of these variables, L2 meta knowledge
and L2 writing experience, for English writing classes. Metaknowledge of English
expository writing was taught to one group of students (n = 43), whereas a
journal writing assignment was added to the meta knowledge instruction for the
other group of students (n = 40). The effects of these two types of instruction on
the students' subsequent writing were examined. Both groups significantly
improved their meta knowledge, but the metaknowledge-instruction-only group
did not improve their L2 writing significantly. In contrast, the group that received
both meta knowledge instruction and the journal writing assignment significantly
improved the mechanics of their L2 writing.