Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
JALT2008 Pre-Conference Special Issue
Plenary Speaker
- Myth and reality in foreign language education for young learners - by Yuko Goto Butler
- English and globalisation: Today and tomorrow - by David Graddol
- Variation in World Englishes: Implications for the ELT classroom - by Andy Kirkpatrick
Featured Speaker
- The self-directed learning approach and Thai students as active learners - by Akara Akaranithi
- Stories: Feeding language learners for life - by Jennifer Bassett
- Teaching foreign language reading fluency - by Richard R. Day
- Developing intercultural competence: Reexamining the goal and role of language education - by Alvino E. Fantini
- Relating culture to the teaching of communication strategies - by Alastair Graham-Marr
- Brain-based learning and the active approach - by Curtis Kelly & Chuck Sandy
- Raising language awareness by investigating the linguistic landscape - by Chris Kennedy
- What really is fun for children studying EFL? - by Yoko Matsuka
- Profiling spoken fluency - by Michael McCarthy
- Communities fo practice: How teachers construe their teaching - by Scott Thornbury
- International standards and national examinations: The Russian experience - by Maria Verbitskaya
- Using process writing to nurture successful writers - by Dorothy E. Zemach
My Share
- Digital cameras and blackboard memos: Living handouts from the classroom in action - by Kristen Sullivan
- Making the laws - by Andy Hockersmith
Book Reviews
- Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English (with CD-ROM) - by Jim Ronald
Member's Profile
- RJ Frampton
- What are the roles of the Japanese TLT staff? Read on and find out! - by Sachiko Takahashi
- Hiroshima: Fukuyama Children's Conference - by Ewen Ferguson