Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
Feature Article
- Using group discussions for self and peer-assessment - by David Leaper
My Share Activities
- Using a deck of playing cards to practice using the future tense - by Annie Menard
- When students become teachers: Textbook teaching with a twist - by Laura Bean
- Dialogue dictations as four^skills communicative activities - by David Ockert
- Empty hands: An activity to initiate conversation - by Takeshi Ishikawa
- Culture cards - by David Chapman
- From reading to humming - by Azzeddine Bencherab
- Using props and acting skills to create meaning-focused learning - by Kathi Emori
- Miss Manners says, Mind your topic sentence! - by Ian Willey
- YouTube.com video reviews - by Patrick Foss
- Video news casting in English: Using video to promote English communications - by Thom W. Rawson
- Enhancing classroom experience through a class blog - by Stephen Pihlaja
Book Reviews
- Bookworms Club Stories for Reading Circles - Reviewed by Simon Handy
- Encounters Abroad - Reviewed by Pino Cutrone
- - with Steve McCarty
- JALT research grants: An offer you might not want to refuse - by Anthony Robins
- Conference planning factoids: True or false? - by Jim Smiley
- Language professors and poets in India - with David McMurray