Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
Special Issue: A Taste of JALT2006
Excerpts from the Proceedings
- Difficulties in L2 songwriting
- by Brian Cullen - A sense of community through Nikkei
- by Donna Fujimoto, Laura Kusaka & Susan Sakayori - A comparison of the 4th grade curriculum and daily life in a Japanese public school and an international school in Kyoto
- by Amanda Gillis-Furutaka - The treatment of identities in postwar EFL textbooks for ninth graders
- by Naoko Harada - Using group dynamics in the classroom
- by Cheryl Kirchhoff - Using drama to motivate EFL Students: Building classroom communities and student identities
- by Dean Charles - Creating community of self-directed learners
- by Alice Lee - Communities of supportive professionals
- by Kazuyoshi Sato, Michael Cholewinski, Steve Cornwell, Juanita Kiyokawa & Nobuyuki Takaki - Difficult Students: Who, why, and responses
- by Miguel Sosa - Pros and cons of a class podcast project: Evaluating a classroom innovation
- by Kristen Sullivan - Raising children in two languages and communities
- by Satoko Suzuki - Choice of task topic: Are the students more motivated?
- by John Thurman - Teacher use of students' first language: Introducing the FIFU checklist
- by Suzanne Yonesaka & Mitsutada Metoki
My Share
- Personality Concentration
- by Lori Ann Desrosiers - Using listening for writing? Playing podcasts in composition courses
- by Brian Rubrecht
Book Reviews
- A Practical Guide to Using Computers in Language Teaching
- Reviewed by Michael Thomas - Workouft or the TOEIC Test Books 1 and 2
- by Daniel Dunkley
- Speech to text and back: New voice tools for CALL
- by Lawrie Hunter
- Languagecaster.com
- with Damian Rivers
- What's in the news: A jalt.org primer
- by Paul Collett
- Language teaching in Bangladesh
- by David McMurray