Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
JALT2007 Pre-Conference Special Issue
Plenary Speaker Articles
- Talk, talk, talk: Grammar and spoken English - by Ronald Carter
- A vocabulary size test - by Paul Nation & David Beglar
- Classroom discourse as a semiotic resource for EFL learning - by Amy B.M. Tsui
Featured Speaker Articles
- Paragons or parasites--are we failing our language learners? - by Miles Craven
- Learning to read in a foreign language - by Richard Day
- My daily chicken soup for the ELT soul - by Steven Gershon
- Why don't my students enjoy working in pairs and groups? - by Leo Jones
- Rethinking activities to incorporate theories of learning - by Curtis Kelly & Chuck Sandy
- Critical approaches to language education: Focusing on race and culture - by Ryuko Kubota
- Balancing global issues and critical thinking in the classroom - by Charles LeBeau
- Helping Japanese language learners to use figurative language - by Jeannette Littlemore
- Bringing extensive reading into oral communication classes - by Rob Waring
- Turning passive students into active learners - by Ken Wilson
- Shadowing plus: Stepping stones to fluency - by John Wiltshier
My Share
- Making first impressions count - by Patrick Miller
- A communicative introduction to part one of the TOEIC - by Ben Fenton-Smith
- Gregory Hadley
- Where's the "U" in JALT? - by Eric Skier
- Using Music in EFL in Japan - by Brian Cullen & Jim Smiley