Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
The Language Teacher Online: Issue 25.10; October 2001
Special Issue: Meritocracy
- Kent Hill, Special Guest Editor
Is Japan's Education System Meritocratic?
- by Christopher Hood -
Choosing to be a Ronin
- by Tsukada Mamoru -
Stress, Disempowerment, Bullying, and School Non-Attendance: A Hypothesis
- by Yoneyama Shaoko -
Nihon no kyouiku kaikaku to meritokurasi- (in Japanese)
- by Okada Akihito -
Higher Education, Apathy and Post-Meritocracy
- by Brian McVeigh -
"Kyouiku kaikaku" to sono mondaiten (in Japanese)
- by Kizuka M.
opinions & perspectives
Nonmeritorious Features of the Entrance Exam System in Japan
- by Tim Murphey
annotated bibliography
off the presses
a chapter in your life
JALT 2001 National Four Corners' Tour
- by Joy Jarman-Walsh
my share
Helluva Entrance Exam Game
- by Mark Gray -
The Adjustment Task
- by Yoshida Kensaku -
Engaging Students in Critical Thinking about the Merits of Their Entrance Exam System
- by Tim Murphey