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Joseph Falout, Nihon University

For our second interview, we feature a stimulating discussion with Paula Kalaja, Professor Emerita at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Professor Kalaja has been a major pioneer in researching the beliefs, identities, and attributions of language learners and teachers using their own drawings and written life stories. She has been leading the advance on narrative research in the field of second language learning by conducting innovative research, co-editing a special issue of the Applied Linguistics Review (Kalaja & Pitkänen-Huhta, 2018) on visual methodologies, and spearheading four major edited volumes, including the recent book, Visualising multilingual lives: More than words (Kalaja & Melo-Pfeifer, 2019). She was interviewed by Joseph Falout, who researches psychology in language learning and teaching. His collaborations include originating the theoretical and applied concepts of Ideal Classmates and Critical Participatory Looping. He edits for the JALT OnCUE Journal and Asian EFL Journal.

Now, to the second interview!