British Council Tokyo, Senior Teacher Young Learners, Japan (onsite)

British Council Tokyo is recruiting an experienced Senior Teacher Young Learners to lead teaching at our Iidabashi and Musashi Kosugi centres. DELTA or equivalent plus academic management experience required. JPY 509,500 per month, 35 days paid leave, 14 public holidays in lieu. Sep 2024 start.

Job details: 

Main accountabilities:

Teacher Support

 Provide effective line management and support for staff including observations as per performance management guidelines, policies and procedures.
 Ensure that all teaching is delivered to standards set out in teachers Role Profiles, the Global Statement of Approach and British Council Global Teaching Standards.
 Proactively monitor the well-being of all line managees and provide an appropriate level of personal support.
 Act as duty officer where appropriate to provide support for teachers, parents, students.
 Assist in the recruitment, induction and onboarding of new teachers.
 Provide or set up mentoring programmes for new teachers/teachers teaching new life stages etc where appropriate

Teaching Excellence

 Contribute to the design and implementation of an annual CPD programme which aligns with Regional Teaching Excellence Action Plan.
 Actively identify appropriate opportunities for staff learning and development.
 Act as a role model for good classroom practice by encouraging teachers to observe you or others teaching, doing demonstration lessons, leading teacher development sessions and conducting observations.
 Share thought leadership. Routinely monitor developments in ELT theory and practice and bring these to the attention of your teaching team through presentations, practical sessions, recommended reading.
 Proactively look for opportunities to highlight examples of best practice within the centre and externally.

Product and service delivery and development

 Ensure frameworks to support teaching and learning are understood and implemented by academic colleagues in their day-to-day work.
 Ensure other relevant colleagues are aware of frameworks to support teaching and learning.
 Ensure teachers communicate relevant policies to learners during the course and support and advise other teams with communications.
 Work with the Teaching Operations and Customer Services teams to deal with academic enquiries or complaints ensuring teachers are fully briefed and consulted where appropriate.
 Contribute as appropriate to cluster / regional product team.
 Contribute to the regional monitoring and evaluation of global products and related services to meet students’ needs.
 Organise the piloting of new courses and materials where relevant.
 Introduce new products to teaching staff and provide training and support for teachers

Safeguarding, EDI and SEND

 Embed Safeguarding culture in teaching and learning through contributing to country safeguarding risk assessment and plan and implementing assigned actions.
 act as Deputy / Safeguarding Focal point as appropriate to size of country operation and risk profile.
 embed EDI through delivery of regional EDI objectives and workplans through local teaching teams (e.g. through Teaching Excellence Action Plan - TEAP).
 act as or support country SEND champion / Country SENCO and work with Teaching Operations, CS and other colleagues as appropriate to ensure teaching centre inclusion policy is effectively embedded in the centre.

Knowledge and Experience:

 Knowledge and experience of management of YL course delivery.
 Knowledge and experience of line managing/ coordinating teaching teams.
 Knowledge and experience of teacher training.

 Extensive experience in teaching relevant age groups:
 Primary aged 6 to 10 (800+ hours)
 Lower Secondary aged 11 to 14 (400+ hours).
 Upper Secondary aged 15 to 17 (400+ hours).
 Early Years aged 2 to 5 (400+hours)


 Undergraduate Degree.
 Cambridge CELTA/Trinity Certificate TESOL.
 Cambridge DELTA/Trinity Diploma TESOL or equivalent as recognised by the British Council.

 Relevant Young Learner qualification (e.g. TYLEC, YL Extension to CELTA etc).
 TYLEC trainer qualification or equivalent.
 Relevant Early Years certificate / qualification.
 Relevant masters/post graduate qualification.

Sunday, July 28, 2024
Less than 1 day remaining
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