This study uses a newly developed questionnaire to investigate the following
three research questions dealing with Japanese learner awareness and use of
strategies for reading English as a foreign language (EFL) texts: 0) What factors
are extracted through factor analysis indicating the degree of EFL learners'
awareness of reading strategies; (2) How do two types of strategy awareness,
use-awareness and effect-awareness, interact with each other for better
comprehension; and (3) What is the relationship between the learners' level of
strategy awareness and their English proficiency level? Analysis of questionnaire
data collected from 242 Japanese university EFL students suggests that three of
the five extracted factors fit an interactive reading model. Although clear
relationships were not observed between either type of strategy awareness and
proficiency level, learners reported more frequent use of strategies they perceived
to be less effective than strategies they perceived as effective. Based on these
findings, classroom implications for strategy instruction are discussed.
May 2000
Page No.:
Ryusuke Yamato, Hokuriku University