Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

Special Issue: Extensive Reading

eading fluently is possibly the skill which contributes most to the acquisition of a language. If our learners can develop the habit of reading, they can benefit not only linguistically, but they will also take with them the life long habit of reading in a foreign language. They will thus continue their study long after they have left our classrooms. Unfortunately it is rare that language programs in Japan focus on the development of this habit. This is the place of Extensive Reading. The focus of this special issue is to clarify the position of Extensive Reading, how to go about it and why it is essential that our learners read extensively.

The issue opens with Julian Bamford and Richard Day's general introduction to Extensive Reading. They discuss issues such as what Extensive Reading is; the role of authenticity, and provide a useful list of ten points that contribute to the success of a reading program. Rob Waring's article extends the opening article into specifics by looking at many questions asked about Extensive Reading and Graded Reading in particular. Paul Nation then provides evidence both linguistic and affective as to why an Extensive Reading program can benefit our learners. David Hill in two articles advises us on the establishment and maintenance of an Extensive Reading program, and about the series of Graded Readers that are currently available. Finally, to round out the issue Beniko Mason, Tom Pendergast and Marc Helgesen outline their reading programs in Japan as models for others to follow and to adapt to their needs. In the My Share section Roberta Welch and Marc Helgesen provide some practical tips for the classroom.

In closing I would like to thank all those who have helped with the production of this issue -- Antony Cominos, Laura MacGregor, David Kluge and especially the authors for their hard work and sound advice. I hope readers find the articles informative and that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed editing it.

Rob Waring, Notre Dame Seishin University
Guest Editor