Job Listings

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Job Listings

Note: This is a free service offered by JALT to institutions looking for staff, but neither JALT, nor The Language Teacher, endorse any of the positions advertised on this site. Nor are we able to offer any further information or guidance on these positions. Please contact the institutions directly for further information.

Job listings are manually added to this site, which can take up to a week to complete. We do NOT accept notices that require a "Native English speaker." Instead, "Native English-level proficiency" is preferred • JALTは、「英語を母語とする者」という表現は承認いたしかねます。「母語レベルの英語を習熟した者」と表記してください。If you find a problematic job listing that does not follow our guidelines, please contact the JALT Web Editor to request it be removed.

Kawaijuku Examination Centre of Cambridge English (JP026) seeks experienced professionals to attend a free Speaking Examiner training to become a Speaking Examiner for A2 Key (KET)/B1 Preliminary (PET) to work with us as a Speaking Examiner.

Deadline for submission:
April 30, 2024

Job Responsibilities
Job responsibilities include teaching 10 classes (1000 minutes) per week per semester spread across 5 days (8:45am to 5:35pm). Courses are generally assigned a standardized curriculum with required textbooks.

Deadline for submission:
May 8, 2024

We are seeking a responsible, flexible, and creative English teacher for elementary school students (10 -12 years old) and high school students (16 -18 years old) .

Deadline for submission:
June 30, 2024

Part-time teaching positions with Kikokushijo Academy, a returnee specialist after-school program with ten locations, including Distance Learning, around the greater Tokyo area.
We're looking for instructors who can teach high-level Language Arts during weekend hours in an all-English environment.

Deadline for submission:
July 31, 2024

J PREP’s EA (English for Academic Purposes) Domestic College Preparation Curriculum is seeking to expand its pool of part-time instructors to accommodate our rapidly growing student population and expanding course listings.

Deadline for submission:
September 30, 2024

One Coin English is an eikawa based in the Tokyo & Yokohama areas. We teach conversational English to our students! You will be helping the students improving their English so that they can speak the language confidently and comfortably! We do have guides, books, games, etc. that you can use!

Deadline for submission:
December 28, 2024