Reader's Forum: interviews with Ingrid Piller and Momoko Nakamura

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Laurel Kamada and Dodi Levine



Ingrid Piller will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming International Gender and Language Association (IGALA6) Conference in Tokyo from September 18-20, 2010. <>. This international conference has never before been held in Asia and offers a rare opportunity to connect with such internationally renowned researchers as Ingrid Piller. Ingrid’s main work has been as a critical sociolinguistic ethnographer in intercultural communication, language learning and multilingualism, and their intersection with social inclusion and justice. Her IGALA presentation, entitled Women on the move: English, international romance and the global economy, promises to be of great relevance to JALT members given its focus on gender and language.

Ingrid Piller は東京で2010年9月18日より20日まで開催される「国際ジェンダーと言語学会」(IGALA)の基調講演者である。これまでアジアでこの国際会議が開催されたことはなかった。この会議はIngrid Piller のような世界的研究者を知る貴重な機会である。Ingrid は主に批判的社会言語民俗誌学研究者として、異文化間コミュニケーション、言語学習、多言語主義および、それが社会包括・社会正義と交わる分野について研究している。IGALA における講演”Women on the move: English, international romance and the global economy”は、ジェンダーと言語に焦点が当てられており、JALT会員に大変関わりの深い内容となるだろう。


Momoko Nakamura will be a keynote speaker at The International Language and Gender Association (IGALA6) Conference to be held 18-20 September, 2010 in Tokyo. Professor Nakamura is an internationally recognized scholar and feminist. Her article, Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru [Constructing women’s language] received the 27th Yamakawa Kikue Award in 2007, the first time this was awarded for linguistic studies. Professor Nakamura currently teaches at Kanto Gakuin University in Yokohama.
