Special issue: Suggestopedia
- Introduction
- Interview: Georgi Lozanov and Evelyna Gateva by Setsuko lki
- An Invitation to Suggestopedia by Kazuhiko Hagiwara
- What Suggestopedia Has to Offer: A Personal View by Barbara Fujiwara
- The Effects of Suggestopedic Teaching in a Senior High School Classroom by Mami Nishi
- Report on E. Gateva’s Suggestopedic Italian Course: Part One by Isao Nakamura
- An Unrepentant Reactionary’s Proposal for Change by Ron Sheen
- Selecting Textbooks: A Checklist-Part 2 by Duncan Dixon
- Bilingual Abstracts
- Increasing Student-Initiated Communication and Responses by William R. Nelson