Marcos Benevides

The second JALT Executive Board Meeting was held on 26 June 2010 at the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center in Tokyo. Below is a brief summary of some important issues discussed, which may be of interest to members.

Changes to the constitution

In order to make any changes to the JALT constitution, it is necessary that more than half of all members be physically present to vote. This has always been exceptionally difficult to achieve, as it is unlikely that 1,400 or more JALT members will ever be present together in the same hall. It has traditionally been almost as difficult to get the required written proxies in sufficient numbers, and as a result, our constitution is now sorely in need of being updated. Fortunately, recent changes to NPO law have made it possible for organizations like JALT to send and collect proxies and powers of attorney electronically. But in order to begin making these important changes, we still need your help and support: We need to pass that first physical pen-and-paper motion that will allow further important motions to be voted on online. So, in the lead up to the national conference in Nagoya, you may be asked by a chapter or SIG officer, a national director, or another JALT representative, to sign a proxy to approve the motion that will allow electronic voting in the future. Please do cast your vote, or allow your representative to cast one on your behalf. This is a very urgent matter that needs to be addressed.

Chapters and SIGs

At this EBM, Study Abroad was officially recognized as a full SIG. Framework and Language Portfolio has moved up from forming and into affiliate status, and two new forming SIGs were born: Critical Thinking and Task-Based Learning. Although SIGs seem ascendant, it is so far a net loss year for chapters, with the dissolution of both Chiba and Wakayama passing by wide margins. On the other hand, it is nice to report at least one new forming chapter, Oita.


Publications Board Chair Steve Brown reported that the new TLT format is going well, and that more savings have been made than were originally anticipated. Plans are also underway to reconsider the distribution of and revenue streams generated by JALT Journal.

Other items

  • The 2010-2011 budget was passed, and will be presented to the Ordinary General Meeting at the Nagoya conference.
  • Chapters and SIGs were once again encouraged to get their constitutions updated and submitted to the Director of Records.
  • Ken Urano was approved as Japanese Language Editor for JALT Journal.