From the President . . .

The second anniversary of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami will be observed on Mar 11 2013. In the past two years JALT members have given countless hours of their time to volunteer in the ongoing relief efforts in the affected areas. We are humbled by the spirit shown by these selfless volunteers, and salute them for their hard work. Thank you for your continued dedication to this most important cause. 

Inside JALT, we are also very aware and grateful for the work that JALT volunteers put in to bring publications, events, conferences, and other JALT activities to language teachers and learners in Japan and beyond. We are very keen to hear what members think about JALT and its work. We received a lot of very valuable (and positive or constructive) feedback on the JALT2012 conference in Hamamatsu, and we are going to use that information to put on an even better conference in Kobe. Don’t forget, JALT2013, “Learning is a Lifetime Voyage”, will be held in Kobe, Oct 25-28 of this year! To be sure, we welcome feedback from JALT members on any aspect of the organization year-round via email messages to <>. Please let us know what we are doing that you want us to continue doing, what we are doing that you think we should stop doing, and what we are not yet doing that you think would be important for JALT to do. 

Although it is a very rewarding experience to help organize events, prepare publications, and generally support language teachers in any capacity where JALT can make a difference, there is an administrative side to JALT as well. We are very grateful for the cooperation that you, our members, have given us in the past three years as we amended the JALT constitution to enable electronic voting, and then promptly used it for each of the following Ordinary General Meetings (OGM). 

The first JALT OGM of 2013 will be held on June 30, 2013. As soon as the information is available we will publish the exact details of the meeting, its agenda, and items that are up for a vote. For now, I would like to ask for your continued cooperation with our requests for online absentee balloting. Thanks to your support, we have been able to hold valid OGMs and thus do our necessary business, such as approving financial reports and installing officers, as well as generally fulfill our requirements as an NPO. We are working hard to become a model organization inside and out. One of the motivations for this effort is the realization that the less time that officers and members have to spend on administrative matters, the more time and energy we will have available to devote to productive activities. In other words, there has never been a better time to help out a bit as a volunteer for JALT! Talk to your local Chapter officers, SIG colleagues, or other JALT volunteers to find out how you can be a part of the great team that helps JALT do its most valuable work.

Thank you again for your support of our activities, and best wishes for the upcoming school year!

Kevin Cleary, NPO JALT President


JALT Notice


日時   2012年10月14日(日)午後17:30-18:30

場所: 静岡県浜松市中区板屋町111−1
アクトシティー浜松  41号室


第1号議案:  議長選任の件
第2号議案:  平成24年度全国役員選挙の結果
第3号議案:  議事録署名人の選任に関する事項

理事長 クレアリー ケビン  は午後5時30分総会の開会を宣言し、上記の通り本日の出席者及び総会構成員総数を報告し、本総会の付議議案に必要な法定数を満たしている旨を述べた。

第1号議案: 議長選任の件
理事長 クレアリー ケビン  は定款第25条に基づき議長の選任を諮ったところ、満場一致で ブラウン  ステーィブン ハミルトン が選任された。

第2号議案: 平成24年度全国役員選挙の結果
理事長    クレアリー ケビン  
副理事長   古屋 ネイサン  
会員担当理事 グリーン ジュディス アンジェラ 
企画担当理事 コーンウェル スティーブン スコット 
書記担当理事 ザイビーン ロエル  
財務担当理事 クセン オアナ  
監事     ロイド キャロライン  
広報担当理事 オニール シアドア ロレンス 

第3号議案: 議事録署名人の選任に関する事項
議長は、議事録署名人として加藤 和美氏 及び
郷司 正彦氏を選任する旨議場に諮ったところ、満場一致をもってこれを承認することで、可決確定した。


議長: ブラウン スティーブン ハミルトン

議事録署名人: 加藤 和美

議事録署名人: 郷司 正彦

Minutes of the Second Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT)

Date: Sunday, Oct 14 2012, 5:30-6:30PM

Location: Act City Hamamatsu, Room 41, Shizuoka-ken, Hamamatsu-shi, Naka-ku, Itayamachi 111-1

Total membership: 2,867
Membership in attendance: 44
Absentee ballots received: 1,496

Item 1: Selection of OGM chairman
Item 2: Results of the 2012 National Officer Elections
Item 3:Selection of signatories for OGM minutes

Overview of proceedings: JALT President Kevin Cleary began the meeting at 5:30PM, and determined that quorum was established based on the membership in attendance and absentee ballots received (see above numbers).

Item 1:Selection of OGM chairman
JALT President Kevin Cleary nominated Steve Brown as chairman of the OGM, in accordance with Article 25 of the Articles of Incorporation. Steve Brown’s nomination was accepted unanimously.

Item 2: Results of the 2012 National Officer Elections
The following officers were elected to the Board of Directors:
President Kevin Cleary
Vice-President Nathan Furuya
Director of Membership  Judith “Buzz” Green
Director of Public Relations  Ted O’Neill
Director of Program Steve Cornwell
Director of Records Roehl Sybing
Director of Treasury Oana Cusen
Auditor Caroline Lloyd

Item 3: Selection of signatories of OGM minutes. Chairman Steve Brown nominated Kazumi Kato and Masahiko Goshi to serve as signatories of the minutes of the OGM. Their nominations were accepted unanimously.

Having completed all necessary business at the OGM, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:50PM.

October 14, 2012 (Heisei 24)

Steve Brown, Chairman

Kazumi Kato, Signatory

Masahiko Goshi, Signatory


JALT Publications Peer Support Group

Call for submissions

Publish, Publish, Publish! That is the key to career success these days, but it can be a daunting task. The JALT Peer Support Group (PSG) can help. We are a group of experienced writers and reviewers who collaboratively assist new or inexperienced writers to develop their manuscripts to a (hopefully) publishable level. To find out more about the PSG or submitting a paper for review, please visit our webpage <>.

PSG reviewers wanted

We are also looking for new reviewers. Joining the PSG is a great first step if you are interested in becoming more active in JALT or working for other journals. It is also a great way to boost your resume and improve your own writing skills as well. Experience not required—you can receive on the job training from one of our senior reviewers! To find out more about the PSG or joining our team, please visit our webpage <>.


New JALT Associate Member

Praxis Ed

Praxis Ed 語彙学習プログラムは記憶と語彙学習の最新の研究に基づくオンライン学習システムです。Praxis Ed は従来の語彙学習法に比べてより簡単ながら、さらに効果的な学習体験を提供します。   




Praxis Ed 語彙プログラムは、他に比類のない高品質な語彙練習を学生に手頃な料金(6ヶ月利用で1人の学生につき500円)で提供します。より詳細な情報が必要な方は、 までご連絡ください。

The Praxis Ed vocabulary program is an online study system based on the latest research on memory and vocabulary learning. Praxis Ed provides a learning experience which is easier yet far more effective than traditional means of vocabulary study.

Memory schedule: Follows a tested repetition schedule based on memory research to make sure you remember what you study. 

Quality: Provides a variety of exercises in varying contexts, rather than just simple translation exercises.

Teacher Friendly: Simple but powerful online management system allows easy monitoring of student progress.  

Praxis Ed vocabulary gives students quality vocabulary practice that is second to none at an affordable price (¥500 per student for 6 months access). Contact us at <> for more information.