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Eucharia Donnery, Kwansei Gakuin University & Yuka Kusanagi, Akita Prefectural University


In response to this challenge and invitation, 60 participants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America joined the 2nd International Association of Performing Language (IAPL) conference held at the University of Victoria (UVic), situated in the beautiful garden city of Victoria, Canada, from March 6th to 8th, 2009. This new conference was a meeting place for language teachers and drama practitioners to build relationships and understanding from their knowledge and experience on performing language – the application of performing arts into language education. This year there were 20 academic papers, a panel discussion, and six workshops. The conference was offered bilingually, in English and Japanese. 


2009年3月6日~8日、カナダの美しい庭園都市ビクトリアにあるビクトリア大学で行われた第2回IAPLに、アフリカ、アジア、ヨーロッパ、北米から60名が参加した。この新しい会議は語学教師と演技指導者の出会いの場として、新しく関係を築き、performing language (言語教育への演技導入)に対する知識と経験を共有し、相互理解を深めるためのものであった。20の学術論文発表、6つのワークショップ、そして公開討論会が1回あり、会議は英語と日本語の2ヶ国語で行われた。