Kip Cates, Marilyn Higgins, and Brid MacConville Tanaka

In this brief compilation of resources, we offer readers a partially annotated resource list for the global issues classroom.


1. Excellent "Global Education" and "Multicultural Studies" catalogs (useful for EFL) listing books, videos and computer software are available from:

Social Studies School Service, P.O. Box 802, Culver City, CA 90232-0802; t: 1-310-839-2436 or 1-800-421-4246; f: 1-310-839-2249 or 1-800-944-5432; <http://SocialStudies.com>; <access@SocialStudies.com>.

2. A unique selection of books and materials promoting universal values, global understanding, and service to the world is available from:

The Global Classroom, P.O. Box 30, Williston, VT 05495-0030; t: 1-888-GLOBE99 (toll-free); f: 1-888-665-2276; <http://www.globalclassroom.com>.

3. UK teaching materials (books, maps, teaching packs, posters, teacher handbooks) on development, environment, population, Third World issues, and multicultural education are available from:

Worldaware Resource Centre, 31-35 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TE England U. K.; t: 44-171-831-3844; f: 44-171-831-1746.

4. Teaching materials for global education, global issues, the United Nations and regional studies (Asia, Africa, the Middle East) are available from:

American Forum for Global Education, 120 Wall Street, Suite 2600, New York, NY 10005; t: 1-212-624-1300; f: 1-212-624-1412; <http://www.globaled.org>; <globed120@aol.com>.

5. Teaching materials on peace education, conflict resolution and social responsibility are available from:

Educators for Social Responsibility, 23 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138; t: 1-800-370-2665 or 1-617-492-1764; f: 1-617-864-5164; <http://www.benjerry.com/esr>.

6. Resource books and videos on cross-cultural communication and world cultures are available from:

Intercultural Press, Inc., P.O. Box 700, Yarmouth, ME 04096; t: 1- 207-846-5168 or 1-800-370-2665; f: 1-207-846-5181; <http://www.bookmasters.com/interclt.htm>; <interculturalpress@internetmci.com>.


Posters, CD-Rom, Calendars

Measures Of Progress Poster Kit

This World Bank development education kit contains posters, photos, and a teaching guide on such issues as GNP, life expectancy, and population growth. Available through Social Studies School Service.

Hunger - The Myths, Causes and Solutions

Posters and pictures illustrating the facts and fallacies of world hunger. Winner of the British Geographical Association 1990 Gold Award. Excellent for EFL classroom use. Available through Social Studies School Service.

Picture Atlas of the World CD-ROM

This National Geographic CD-Rom includes pictures, video clips, maps, vital statistics, language samples, and music from around the world. Easy interactive tool to introduce the world to students via computer (US$79.95). Order from Social Studies School Service.

The World Calendar

This global calendar, printed in six languages, features photos on global themes, holidays of major religions, national days of 100 nations, and dates for cultural celebrations around the world. Order from Social Studies School Service or Educational Extension Systems, Box 472, Waynesboro, PA 17268.

Green Teacher Magazine

This global/environmental education magazine offers language teachers a rich variety of classroom ideas, activities, and resources. Subscriptions (US $30/year) from Green Teacher, 95 Robert St., Toronto M5S 2K5 Canada; f: 1-416-925-3474; <Greentea@web.net>; <http://web.net/~greentea/>.


Spaceship Earth: Our Global Environment. (1991). Produced by Worldlink, 3629 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94118. Award winning 25-minute video on environmental concerns (air and water pollution, the ozone layer, recycling, and tropical rainforests) featuring British pop singer Sting and young people from around the world.

A Place To Stand: The United Nations 50th Anniversary. (1998). Worldlink (see address above).This 14-minute video gives an overview of the United Nations and its work promoting peace, human rights, environmental awareness, and international understanding.

Global Links. (1996). Six 30-minute videos covering complex issues of Third World development, including women, education, environment, tropical diseases, and urban dilemmas.

All videos are available through Social Studies School Service.


For language teachers involved with global education, the Internet offers a unique source of information and resources. Here are some useful websites.

A Global Educator's Guide to the Internet:


This website, the result of an MA thesis, is an excellent place to start exploring global education on the Internet. The site contains a statement on "What is a global perspective?" and goes on to list global education internet resources, newsgroups, and projects.

IATEFL Global Issues SIG Homepage:


This website, homepage for the Global Issues Special Interest Group of IATEFL (the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) features SIG news, upcoming events and an excellent global education/global issue resource list with links to homepages around the globe.

The Global SchoolNet:


The Global SchoolNet, supported by Microsoft, NBC/ABC World News, and other groups contains an e-mail teacher network, a "Where on the Globe is Roger?" student activity and the Global Schoolhouse, where schools can link up for cooperative endeavors.

IGC: Institute for Global Communications:


This U. S. global issue homepage is the gateway to five major IGC websites: Peacenet, Econet, Labornet, Womensnet, and Conflictnet. A thematic directory links to 70 different global issue topics while an education page <http://www.igc.org/igc/issues/educat/> lists a rich variety of exciting global education websites.

One World Homepage:


This excellent British homepage features global issue news from around the world, an on-line bookstore plus links to 200 U.K. global justice organizations ranging from Amnesty International to Oxfam.

UNICEF Voices of Youth:


This website, run by the United Nations Children�s Fund (UNICEF), features a "teachers place," where teachers can discuss global education and a youth "meeting place," where students can read what other young people around the world think about global issues such as child labor, war, and children's rights.

The United Nations:


The United Nations homepage introduces the UN, describes the work it does to promote peace, human rights, and the environment, lists UN publications and provides direct links to a variety of UN agencies.

Other Useful Websites

Amnesty International: <http://www.amnesty.org/>

UNESCO: <http://www.unesco.org/>

World Citizens Association: <http://www.worldcitizens.org/>


There is a rich variety of books available for language teachers interested in exploring global education and education for world citizenship. Here are a few titles.

World Citizenship

Cogan, J., & Derricott, R. (1998). Citizenship for the 21st century. London: Kogan Page.

Ferencz, B., & Keyes, K. (1991). Planethood. Coos Bay, OR: Love Line Books.

Meadows, D. (1991). The global citizen. Washington DC: Island Press.

Rotblat, J. (Ed.) (1997). World citizenship: Allegiance to humanity. London: Macmillan.

Waters, M. (1995). Globalization. London: Routledge.

Education for World Citizenship

Elder, P., & Carr, M. (1987). Worldways: Bringing the world into the classroom. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley.

Fisher, S., & Hicks, D. (1985). World studies: 8-13. London: Oliver & Boyd.

Pike, G., & Selby, D. (1988). Global teacher, global learner. London: Hodder/Stoughton.

Kniep, W. (1987). Next steps in global education. American Forum for Global Education, 120 Wall St., Suite 2600, New York 10005.

Osler, A. (Ed.) (1995). Teaching for citizenship in Europe. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham.

Geographic Literacy

Asch, J. (1994). Games for global awareness. Carthage, IL: Good Apple.

Culturgrams: The nations around us (annual). Garrett Park Press, P.O. Box 190B, Garrett Park, MD 20896.

Clarke, R., & Mussman, A. (1993). Cue cards: Nations of the world. Brattleboro, VT: Pro Lingua.

Countries of the World Series. (various dates). East Sussex, U. K.: Wayland.

Davis, K. (1992). Don't know much about geography. New York: Avon Books.

Demko, G. (1992). Why in the world? Adventures in geography. New York: Anchor Books.

Gray, K. (1992). Passport to understanding. Denver, CO: CTIR Press.

Lye, K. (1995). The portable world factbook. New York: Avon Books.

McClintock, J. (1986). Everything is somewhere. New York: Quill/William Morrow.

Wheeler, R. (1994). Countries and cultures. Torrance, CA: Frank Schaffer.

Williams, B. (1993). Countries of the world. New York: Kingfisher.

World Themes

Devereux, E. (1992). Flags of the world. New York: Crescent Books.

Kepler, P. (1996). Windows to the world: Themes for cross-cultural understanding. New York: Doubleday Books.

Meredith, S. (1995). The Usborne book of world religions. London: Usborne.

Milord, S. (1992). Hands around the world: 365 creative ways to build cultural awareness and global respect. Charlotte, Vermont, USA: WiIliamson Publishing.

Nakanishi, A. (1980). Writing systems of the world. Tokyo: Tuttle Books Ltd.

Petras, K. (1996). World access: The handbook for citizens of the earth. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Polon, L. (1983). The whole earth holiday book. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman.

Shull-Hiebenthal, J. (1994). Cultural connections. Torrance, CA: Frank Schaffer.

Spier, P. (1980). People. New York: Doubleday.

Global Issues

Benegar, J. (1994). Global issues in the middle school (3rd Ed.). Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR), University of Denver, Denver, CO.

Center for Learning. (1995). Current issues in global education. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown.

Center for Teaching International Relations. (1993). Global issues in the elementary classroom. CTIR, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

Drew, N. (1995). Learning the skills of peacemaking. Jalmar Press, Skypark Center, 2675 Skypark Dr. Suite #204, Torrance, CA 90505.

Hopkins, S. (Ed.) (1990). Discover the world. Philadelphia, PA: New Society.

Litvinoff, M. (1996). Young Gaia atlas of earthcare. New York: Facts on File.

Middleton, N. (1988). Atlas of world issues. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Osborne, J. (1995). World studies: Global issues and assessments. New York: N & N Publishing.

Shiman, D. (1993). Teaching human rights. CTIR, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

Useful Reference Books

Harms, V. (1994). Almanac of the environment. The National Audubon Society. New York: Grosset/Putnam Publishing.

Javna, J., The EarthWorks Group. (1990). 50 simple things kids can do to save the earth. Kansas City/New York: Andrews & McMeel Publishing.

Popov, L., & Popov, D. (1997). The family virtues guide. New York: Penguin/Plume.

Scholl, S. (Ed.). (1986). The peace bible: Words from the great traditions. Los Angeles, CA: Kalimat Press.

Seager, J. (1995). The state of the environment atlas. London: Penguin Books.

World Development Report (annual). Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press.


A large number of global education EFL resources now exist. Here are a few titles.

EFL Textbooks

Abraham, K. (1998). Cause to communicate: Global issues. Anti-Slavery International, Thomas Clarkson House, The Stableyard, Bromgrove Rd., London SW9 9TL U. K.; <antislavery@gn.apc.org>.

Akhavan-Majid, R. (1992). Peace for our planet: A new approach. Tokyo: Kinseido.

Bowers, B., & Godfrey, J. (1995). What in the world? Exploring global issues. Toronto: Prentice Hall Regents Canada.

Brooks, E., & Fox, L. (1995). Making peace. New York: St. Martins Press.

Day, R., & Yamanaka, J. (1998). Impact issues. Hong Kong: Lingual House/Longman.

de Cou-Landberg, M. (1995). The global classroom. New Jersey: Addison Wesley.

Grohe, W., & Root, C. (1996). Speaking globally: English in an international context. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Hoppenrath, C., & Royal, W. (1997). The world around us: Social issues for ESL. Toronto: Harcourt Brace.

Janovy, J. Jr. (1997). Ten minute ecologist. Tokyo: Kinseido.

McConnell, J. (1998). Culture of the heart: Overcoming today's spiritual crisis. Tokyo: Kinseido.

McLean, P. (1992). The 21st century: Problems and issues. Tokyo: MacMillan Languagehouse Ltd.

Pacheco, B. M., & Gregg, J. Y. (1997). The powerful reader: A thematic approach for the Japanese student. Tokyo: MacMillan LanguageHouse.

Peaty, D. (1995). Environmental issues. Tokyo: MacMillan LanguageHouse.

Rably, S. (1996). SuperDossiers: Modern issues. Hertfordshire, UK: Phoenix ELT.

Rabley, S. (1994). The green world. London: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.

Sokolik, M. (1993). Tapestry: Global views. New York: Heinle & Heinle.

Tokiwamatsu Gakuen. (1997). Go global: A global education resource book for language teachers. Tokiwamatsu Gakuen (Yatate), 4-17-16 Himonya, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152; f: 03-3793-2562.

Widdows, S., & Voller, P. (1996) Open minds: Exploring global issues. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

EFL Videos

Stempleski, S. (1993). Focus on the environment. Regents/Prentice Hall.

Stempleski, S. (1994). EarthWatch. Regents/Prentice Hall.


Japanese Global Education Books

A growing number of global education books are also now available in Japanese. Sample titles include:

Fisher, S., & Hicks, D. (1991). Wa-rudo studies: Manabikata oshiekata handbook. [World studies, 8-13.]. World Studies 8-13. Tokyo: Mekon.

Iwasaki, H. (Ed.) (1997). Chikyu shimin kyoiku no susumekata. [Making global connections.] Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.

Nakagawa, K. (Ed.) (1997). Chikyu shimin o hagukumu kyoiku. [Global teacher, global learner.] Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.

Nishioka, N. (1996). Kaihatsu kyoiku no susume. [Development education.] Tokyo: Kamogawa.

Otsu, K. (1992). Kokusai rikai kyoiku. [Education for international understanding.] Tokyo: Kokudosha.

Uozumi, T. (1995). Guro-baru kyoiku: Chikyu shimin o sodateru. [Global education: Developing world citizens]. Tokyo: Reimei Shobo.

Japan Global Education Resource Centers

The following Tokyo resource centers can provide language teachers with Japanese resources, teaching materials and newsletters on global education.

ERIC Kokusai Rikai Kyoiku Center (International Education Resource & Information Center), Iwase Bldg. 1F, 1-14-1 Higashi-Tabata, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0013; t: 03-3705-0233; f: 03-3705-0255.

Global Village, Noge 1-13-16, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0092; t: 03-3800-9415; f: 03-3800-9414.


Language teachers interested in learning more about education for world citizenship are invited to join JALT's "Global Issues in Language Education" National Special Interest Group (N-SIG).

Global Issues N-SIG Newsletter

The Global Issues N-SIG publishes a quarterly 24-page Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter for teachers interested in global issues and global education. For a sample copy, contact: Kip Cates, Tottori University, Koyama, Tottori City 680-0945.

Global Issues N-SIG Homepage:
