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Ian Hurrell; Mayumi Abe; Philip Shigeo Brown; Samuel Bruce; Jennifer Capouilliez; Jianwen Chen; Huw Davies; Hideo Kojima; Paul Landicho; Timothy A. Opitz; Debjani Ray; Robert H. Taferner Stacey Vye; Satomi Yoshimuta

At the 39th annual JALT Conference, the Learner Development SIG forum focused on various kinds of life-stage transitions such as the transition from being teacher-centered to learner-centered educators, the transition of students from being passive to active learners, and the transition of SIG members from working individually to working collaboratively in research, writing, and presentation. After the presentations, the presenters and participants engaged in a reflective discussion in small groups to bring together what they had learned from taking part in the various presentations. To give an accurate flavor of the forum, this paper includes short sections by 14 of the presenters, and is concluded with comments made by the participants in group reflection discussions held at the end of the forum.
